DRA Operations Classifications 

Project and Operations Naming conventions

Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) conducts 6 types of domestic activities: 

Engagement Project
Local DRT planned, led and managed activities and events. These may be a social event, event attendance or small-scale work at a single location e.g., clean-up of a veteran's property or community memorial.
Short Term Operation
Local DRT planned, led and managed activities supported by Field Ops if required on request from the DRT Manager and or GM DRTs. A Mission Commander (MC) is appointed by the local DRT and the IMT if required, is to be selected and appointed by the DRT Manager and EOIs are to be sourced internal to the local DRT. To be named after a local veteran selected by the GM DRTs.
Rolling Operation
A Field Ops planned, led and managed local operation supported by the local DRT conducted on defined and set days per week for a defined rotational period e.g., Fri - Mon for a period of three weeks. There will be an IMT selected by Field Ops and will be supported by departments across the organisation. These operations are to be named after a local veteran of merit selected by the GM Field Ops.
Sustained Operation
A Field Ops planned, led and managed national operation with consistent weekly deployment of waves and face to face handovers of the mission conducted within the area of operations (AO). Deploying volunteers will be sourced across Australia through a national EOI process.
International Operation
A Field Ops planned, led and managed international operation that may be supported by agencies external to DRA. A Theatre Commander (TC) is appointed by Field ops and will be supported by departments across the organisation. These operations are to be named after a veteran who served in the region in the first instance pr alternatively after the natural disaster.
Planning Requirements
Engagement Project
DRT Project request form, DRT internal EOI and Joining Instructions.
Short Term Operation
DRT Project request form, Fulcrum, DRT internal EOI, Joining Instruction, risk assessment and health/safety plan.
Rolling Operation
Generation of a Operational Reconnaissance Team (ORT) report, OPORD, Ops Responsibility Matrix (ORM), op budget, risk assessment, health/safety plan, Fulcrum, Op Drive folder structure, national EOI, Joining Instruction and post activity report (PAR).
Sustained Operation
Generation of a Operational Reconnaissance Team (ORT) report, OPORD, Ops Responsibility Matrix (ORM), Op budget, risk assessment, health/safety plan, Fulcrum work orders, Op Drive folder structure, national EOI, Joining Instruction and post activity report (PAR).
International Operation
Generation of a Operational Reconnaissance Team (ORT) report, OPORD, Ops Responsibility Matrix (ORM), Op budget, risk assessment, health/safety plan, Fulcrum work orders, Op Drive folder structure, EOI and Joining Instruction.
Engagement Project
One day or less. Utilise local DRT equipment. Less than $1,000 in combined expenses to be funded through the DRTs budget.
Short Term Operation
Two to five days. Utilise local DRT equipment. Less than $5,000 in combined expenses to be funded through the DRTs budget.
Rolling Operation
Two or more weekly rotations. Primarily local DRT equipment, however external equipment may be utilised. Less than $50,000 in combined expenses funded through national cost recovery.
Sustained Operation
1-8+ weeks. Equipment primarily sourced from the local DRT supplemented by national stock. Over $50,000 in combined expenses funded through national cost recovery agreements.
International Operation
Varied depending on requirement, however generally more than one week. Nationally sourced equipment by procurement internationally where required.
Approval Requirements
Engagement Project
Endorsed by DRT Manager and approved by the GM DRTs.
Short Term Operation
Endorsed by DRT Manager and approved by the GM DRTs.
Rolling Operation
Endorsed by GM Field Ops and approved by the Chief Operating Officer.
Sustained Operation
Endorsed by GM Field Ops and approved by the Chief Operating Officer.
International Operation
Endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer and approved by the DRA Board.