Member Safety

Welcome to the Member Safety pages which contain a library of documents, links and resources from DRA’s Safety Management System. Members are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the relevant information. As always, we encourage you to provide feedback to the safety team so that we can continue to improve our systems.

Safety Alerts

Safety alerts are generated periodically by the safety team to quickly draw attention to recent safety incidents and focus members on safe work practices. Alerts originate from internal incidents as well as those which occur in all states and territories. Members and supervisors are encouraged to highlight relevant alerts in daily briefing when deployed on operations or other projects.

Subscribe to Safety Alerts

Would you like to be notified by email if a new safety alert is published? Dropdown 'Categories' below and then choose the 'safety alert' category.


Safety Manual, Policy and Procedure

The documents listed here contain core DRA Safety requirements to which compliance is mandated for anyone working under DRA instruction

Other Safety Resources

The safety documents listed here are those that the DRA consider to be of further value to conduct work safely.

Safe Work Methods Statements

Safe Work Methods Statements (SWMS) identify the hazards, risks and precautions associated with DRA’s common tasks. Compliance with procedures in SWMS is mandatory and it is vital that members are familiar with the contents of relevant SWMS. At the very least, members should review them annually and before deployment. Induction briefings prior to any DRA activity must highlight relevant SWMS.

Chainsaw Manuals

DRA have been granted permission to hold the Chainsaw manuals that are accessible here. As they are under copyright this access and use is on condition that they are not shared outside DRA from this site.

Other Equipment Manuals

A variety of plant and equipment manuals are listed here to serve as a reference for approved operators. If the manual is not here, please advise us via and we will add it. 

Member consultation

Periodically Safety documents will be formally reviewed and improved. Members are encouraged to participate in that process by reviewing and making comments.