Lightening Safety

A recent incident in the agricultural sector resulted in the death of a worker and injury to two others. The workers were in the vicinity of a tree which was struck by lightning. Given that most parts of the country are into the storm or wet seasons, this a timely...

Heat Illness

With summer approaching, it’s timely to consider the risks of heat and ways to manage them. The significant risks associated with exposure to extreme heat was sadly made clear in a number of recent mining and exploration incidents where workers were injured or died...
DRA Members Update | November 2021

DRA Members Update | November 2021

DRA Lions Club Branch Launch Wherever DRA deploys volunteers on the ground to aid communities, Lions is there to help. Lions Clubs around Australia raise funds and volunteer their time to assist their local communities throughout the year in practical ways. DRA is...
National Member Check-in Program 2021

National Member Check-in Program 2021

DRA conducted member checks ins across the membership base during the months of September and October 2021 to members who were subject to extended lockdowns. National Membership led the project in partnership with the National Wellbeing team and deployed a volunteer...